Christiane Werzowa AT
Graduation as translator for English at the University of Vienna. Almost 10 years of studying, practising and teaching yoga Training in psychosynthesis according to Roberto Assagioli´s model of human consciousness Training Color Consulting in Frankfurt, Germany and interdisciplinary studies of color design with IACC (International Association of Colour Consultants) at the University of Salzburg. Founding of INSTITUT FÜR farbe & stil (Institute for Color & Style). Since then working as color consultant and image trainer for companies. The inspiration of colors and ongoing studies in the field of colored light energetics and healing led to the idea of the ColoredLightPyramid and founding of CHORAM light.trans.forms. The ColoredLightPyramid is a space where you may relax and get into contact with your inner light.
Color Light and Pyramids An Uplifting Combination For Inner Guidance
June 15th 2021, 20:00 CET 11:00 PST, 14:00 EST, 21:00 SA, 4:00 JPN ( June 16th)