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COLOR LIGHTs world project

The COLOR LIGHTs world project is an initiative founded by myseld in fall 2020: uniting international Color/Light colleagues and experts, experienced in diverse methods and modalities.

Our aim is to spread internationally the deep Beauty, the Inspiration, the Healing and Knowledge of Color and Light.

My expert colleagues and contributors - 21 speakers to date - are from 4 continents. The co-founders of the project are the heart of the initiative- we are a community of COLOR and LIGHT

We have been runnning seminars and events on zoom since December 2020, reaching participants on 5 continents and about 40 countries.

We ran 24 zoominars, one weekend COLOR LIGHT retreat and 5 „COLOR LIGHTS Gifts to the world“ free world zoom events.

Further several interactive activities like „COLOR weeks“ on social media.

You are welcome to join our facebook group Color Lights world project  and subscribe to our YouTube channel Color Buresch


This is what some of our international experts  and speakers say:

This is what some of our subscribers and participants say:

Upcoming Zoominars:


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Farbe Licht Raum
Landstraßer Hauptstraße 84/12, 1030 Wien
Mobil: 0676 / 3729600 | Phone: 02244 / 333 60